Thursday 31 March 2016

Friday 25 March 2016


An image of the landscape after I have modified it a bit and have finished the painting on it

Monday 15 February 2016

For my capstone I've decided to use Quixel but that means learning a whole new texturing software.

I've created some materials and played with some lighting to see how my textures look in engine.

Sunday 31 January 2016

Blocking out in UE4

I've imported the landscape into UE4 and I am starting the white box

Thursday 21 January 2016

Capstone Progress #1 Blockout

I've started to block out the Zen garden/courtyard that sits directly in front of the temple.

The pillars, stairs and platforms are coming along, I hope to take them into Zbrush to create a high poly version for more detail.


I also hope to create high poly meshes for the temple pieces.

I'm working on some placement of the larger volumes to try and better visualize the scale and distance between key pieces in the environment. As I'm working I'm changing angles and placement to try and create the most visually appealing layout.